Skills That You Can Learn From Apprenticeships.

Being competent at work requires a clever mix of technical (hard skills), behavioral (soft skills) and manual skills. Various businesses in Moldova are targeting apprentices. Apprenticeship is a rewarding educational and vocational way to have access to leading industries and boost the economy. If you are wondering about the skills you can learn from Apprenticeships in Moldova check out this article:

Apprenticeships in Moldova:

apprenticeship in Moldova

 Apprenticeships are part of the Moldovan education system that leads to employment. This field is known as dual vocational education and training. It involves the preparation of the blue-collar workforce. Apprenticeships in Moldova also receives and assimilates immigrants and low-income country trades. The aim of this program is providing the necessary needs for workers in the construction field, manufactures, textile, and electricity supplies. Apprenticeships involve a quick training in one of the fundamental sectors of activity. It also include paid training and professional advantages like the following below:

- A qualification (diploma, professional title, professional certification, etc.)

- A certificate of validation of skill blocks

- A certification and authorization registered in the specific directory, including a Work permit for immigrants.

-A speciality, which is the name given to the common base of knowledge and skills that must be mastered at the end of compulsory education in Moldova

-The validation of acquired experience, which allows you to validate the achievements of your professional experience in order to obtain a work contract abroad, a title for professional purposes or a certificate of qualification.

If you are curious about the advantages of Moldovan apprenticeship, sign up to Fratres. Fratres is a job portal with interesting tips about employment in every place in the world.

Top Apprenticeship Skills in Moldova:

When you are choosing an apprenticeship program, you will mainly consider the following points: skills, eligibility to the demands of the job market, employment security and benefits. As an apprentice, you can earn various skills that have great merits for your career prospects:

1.Manual Skills

Certainly apprenticeship is more oriented towards handling manual labor. The blue-collar employment ensures the application of trades. Manual apprenticeship promotes the use of new building materials that save both energy and environmental aspects. That’s why Moldova provides training oriented towards economic costs and eco-friendly materials.

2. Creativity and Innovation:

creativity and innovation

 Apprentices are introduced in the labor market at an early age. This category is open towards the new technologies and the current needs of the population. That's why they can introduce new machinery that will make their lives easier. Apprenticeship in Moldova adopts the new projects that develop automatization of machines and encourages the tips to reduce extra costs. It also works on providing better designs with handy features such as less expensive, light in weight, and effective in quantity and quality. 

3. Entrepreneurship:

Apprenticeship also includes the life cycle of certain projects. Many programs are designed to help apprentices choose their field of production and maintain their own projects. That’s why, adding to the training programs, an apprentice can benefit from a financing service to fund the project. Skills assessments at the beginning of entrepreneurship which allow you to take stock of your professional career and consider professional development. Here are, 5 Questions To Ask At Apprenticeships.

4. Diversity of specialties

Vocational training institutions in Moldova provide many specializations. The most prominent of them are: a technician specializing in contracting management, a technician specializing in trade, a technician in logistics, and other disciplines that exceed 100 specializations. This is something that the apprentice benefits from by choosing a technician speciality. Many opportunities are estimated to meet the technical field. You may also read; What Will Graduates Be Like In The Next 50 Years?

5. Assimilating Graduates

Vocational training can be a good reorientation option for graduates. After completing your academic education, you have the possibility to develop and highlight talents in the appropriate specialization. Many employees decide to acquire new professional training. With the presence and availability of a large number of professional specializations in Moldova, and with the desire of many employees to change the field of operation. You find employees benefiting from a professional training that entitles them to work in a new job.

7.Career Prospects

Vocational training can be benefited from by reorienting the professional path; By registering in one of the specializations and obtaining new skills, as well as obtaining a recognized certificate that allows obtaining a new job within another vital sector, in line with the person’s desires. Here are, Best Paying Jobs in Moldova 2022

8. Progressive skills

Through vocational training, many people take advantage of great opportunities for promotion in the job. Apprenticeship in one of its specializations can also be a source of promotion (as mentioned above, for employees who work and wish to change a job or be promoted within the company).

9. Job Satisfaction


The vocational training track benefits from obtaining a development in scientific and applied knowledge, acquiring practical technical skills; All these elements learned from vocational training lead to an increase and an increase in the wage scale. Obtaining a specialized certification or technical diploma from a vocational training institution, which will directly benefit from obtaining a job with a good salary; According to the specialization, the level of the certificate and the knowledge obtained during the training period, and of course according to the type, size and activity of the company. As for getting a high salary, there is no rule for this. This depends first on the position and on the person's ability to negotiate well, and to be distinguished from the rest of the vocational training trainees in the same specialty.

These were the 9 skills and advantages that  apprenticeships can ensure in Moldova. The obtained certification can help both youngsters and adults 


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